Civic Leader – Janis Duncan – February 2020


Year Joined the JLT: 2014

Why you joined the JLT or what you expected to gain from the JLT?
Prior to joining JLT, I was a volunteer with several organizations, but I wanted exposure to other volunteer opportunities, which JLT offers.  I was also interested in the civic leadership training.

General summary of your JLT experience, skills and attributes learned.
JLT is the only organization whereby you can gain leadership skills via training or through experiential learning.  While I have held several leadership positions with other organizations, JLT has assisted in my growth to become a more effective leader/team member.  I have served on the JLT management team, membership team and training team.

How has the JLT impacted your overall life?
I view JLT as a base from which to monitor one’s growth ie via leadership roles, voluntarism, etc.  I feel that I have learned a lot in this regard.

How has your JLT experience helped in other civic leader roles or encouraged you to try other civic roles?
I am currently a volunteer with Toronto CREW  (previous Board member, program committee), Ronald McDonald House Charities Toronto, and Women Get on Board (Mentorship Advisory Council).  Last year, I held two other volunteer roles: Trails Youth Initiatives (Board member) and Lean In Canada (Senior event lead.)   JLT has enabled me to experiment with other leadership skills.  You can make mistakes without judgment.